Friday, February 29, 2008
stacey goes VOTE CLASS HOODIE :D:Dcause like then we can ALL wear our hoodies to school and emo in the canteen together! like every 9th of the month we can sit and form a jacket clan in the canteen HAHAH.we need to meet up more yo.class outing? anyway take care everyone! love y'all because class just isn't the same as 409 ever was (:
stacegoh came and went, [7:43 PM]
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I never want to see you unhappy.
I thought you wanted the same for me.
may there be missing, losing, gaining, reminscing, or breaking apart, blessing's here.
Happy day to you niners.
Bewitchedentity came and went, [6:17 PM]
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Hello all you lovelies!
I hope the past CNY + Take 5 + V'Day has been fruitful and eventful and purdiful for all you little dumplings :D
Anyway, Siyix & I were discussing and we thought that it'd be cool to have a fixed meet-up, on the
9th of each month! And i know some of you smart lightbulbs might be thinking: what if it's on a weekend! Why, my lovelies, we'll just meet on the Friday before that! So for example, if 9th March happens to fall on a Saturday, we'll just meet up on 8th March Friday. It 9th March falls on Sunday, we'll just meet up on 7th March Friday! (:
And what might we be doing on such meet-ups you might ask? Well, Siyix suggested that if a substantial amount of people turn up, we can always go for lunch/dinner/tea/eating session, or if there aren't many many people, then we can just study or catch up with each other!
How cool is this idea please! (: Location and timing is flexible, so as long as you have a big bunch of fellow 409-ers with you, I'm pretty sure other 409-ers will be able to err, spot/hear/see you monkeying around :D
So do mark the 9ths of your year down in your calendars okay! :D
See you all around, and enjoy O2 tomorrow!
Muacks muacks! gemstonematrix came and went, [9:44 PM]
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Oh yeah this is the damn cute poem we saw in one of the lit powerpoint slides!
Jenny kissed me; James Leigh Hunt
Jenny kiss'd me when we met,
Jumping from the chair she sat in;
Time, you thief, who love to get
Sweets into your list, put that in!
Say I'm weary, say I'm sad,
Say that health and wealth have miss'd me,
Say I'm growing old, but add,
Jenny kiss'd me.
lee zhixin came and went, [12:32 AM]